Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Uses For One on One SAT Tutoring

Uses For One on One SAT TutoringOne on one SAT tutoring can be used for the same purposes as one on one classroom tutoring. It is an option to help students in math, reading, or writing during their last year of high school. This type of practice is effective because it allows them to see how someone else is looking at a problem and how to handle it in their own way.Students can use one on one tutoring during lunch or just before or after dinner. They can also use it during school hours, or at night when most students are studying for tests or doing homework. Tutoring can help them in a variety of ways including reducing missed assignments, increasing vocabulary, enhancing reading skills, or working on complex concepts and strategies.Most of the times the tutoring sessions take place in front of a computer or large monitor. The tutor can give the students hints to the problems and give them tips on how to solve them. The instructor can give the students explanations and basic definit ions about the various parts of the algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. The lessons can vary from minute to minute depending on the student's work and the teacher's needs.One on one tutoring can even include math games that are included in the lessons. These games are fun to play and have interesting rules. They can help improve math skills and strategies. Some games include jacks, Sudoku, tennis, and many more.One on one tutoring can be a great opportunity for students to improve their grades and give them feedback that they need to improve on their tests. The student can ask the teacher questions and receive feedback from the teacher. The student can improve their score by answering the questions right. There are no wrong answers and the correct answer depends on what is listed on the test.One on one tutoring should not be abused. It is not the best solution for all students, and not all teachers accept this type of tutoring. The students should still study and practice in the cl assroom so that their academic skills can be perfected.One on one tutoring should only be used for the reasons that the student wants it. Students should not use it as a stepping stone to a job or as a substitute for learning in a group setting. Many students actually prefer the classroom environment and find it more convenient to work in the class.Tutoring has several advantages for students. It can make them smarter, improve their grades, give them extra time to practice and improve their homework, help improve critical thinking skills, and give them some extra attention. It can be a great thing to do for students who want to improve their grades.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Conductivity Chemistry and the Chemistry of Test Kits

Conductivity Chemistry and the Chemistry of Test KitsConductivity chemistry is often required in business and industry for energy and equipment testing. Conductivity makes it possible to measure different levels of electrical conductivity. Conductivity is one of the first lines of defense against potential harmful effects such as radiations and excessive levels of heat.Conductivity usually involves two different chemical reactions: the reactants and products. The reactants are what results from the electrical activity in a system. These include the objects being used in the process, and often even the environment in which the reactions occur. The products can be the materials themselves or some of the elements themselves.Many methods are available to produce the reactants. Some methods have been used for hundreds of years; others have only recently been developed. In many areas of science, it is the newer methods that are given the most respect and consideration by both scientists an d the general public. In the electrical and electronics industry, this is particularly true.Many companies offer conductivity test kits for use in industrial or commercial applications. The consumer may also consider these test kits as an alternative to the more costly and more complicated procedure of having to conduct and record their own tests.Many times conductivity test kits are the only thing needed for certain tests. If there is only one or two types of material, this may not always be the case.Conductivity test kits typically come with one or more pieces of apparatus. These include probes, conductivity tester or thermocouple probes, apparatus holders, and conductivity tabs. Sometimes it is necessary to add additional pieces depending on the test. Also, many kits include testing strips or paper that can be used to convert data collected from the electrodes into the proper units.Conductivity test kits are becoming more common, and many companies offer them for purchase online or at home. These test kits can be combined with other types of devices to create a comprehensive test package. Many sites on the internet offer them at affordable prices.

The Father of Modern Chemistry

The Father of Modern ChemistryI was recently reading an online article discussing the father of modern chemistry and his contributions to this field. The writer is in the process of looking into the life of some of the chemists who have made great contributions to modern chemistry. Reading the article was intriguing to me, mainly because I am interested in the subject matter, and there was also some mention of the father of modern chemistry and the science of chemistry.In my own study of the life of the father of modern chemistry, I found that the field of chemistry was not actually founded on one scientist, but a number of scientists who brought about a synthesis. Before these first synthesis, there were no real physical properties associated with chemicals; it was simply a theory that chemical compounds were composed of atoms and molecules that moved back and forth on electricity.As these physical properties came to light, and scientists discovered chemical bonds that made the atom s and molecules interact, they realized that chemicals could hold physical properties. These first synthesises were important for chemists as they helped them make molecules that are chemically stable in many different environments, which is why they are considered the fathers of modern chemistry.In order to understand the men who have made these individual contributions, it would be helpful to look at the history of chemistry as a whole. At the time of their discovery, chemistry was a very new field, and even today is not recognized as a real science or as an academic subject.During this time, many of the individuals that founded modern chemistry were students of Alfred Nobel, who was well known for his work on the chemistry of gas chromatography. During the experiments that Nobel conducted, he discovered how to separate gases and how to determine their relative densities. Those two discoveries set the foundation for modern chemistry, which includes several fields that deal with th e study of gases.Even after the work of Nobel and others was completed, chemistry still had to figure out how to look at chemical interactions, and how to separate compounds from one another. This is where more research was done by chemists, and research is still ongoing today, looking into the interaction of chemicals, and how these interactions affect the chemical properties of various compounds. That is what makes the field so unique; there are many different theories as to how a compound should behave, and each one has a great deal of research behind it.Throughout the history of modern chemistry, those who have made significant contributions have often been forgotten because of how important their work was in formulating the theories for today's laboratory equipment and methodologies. It would also be interesting to look at the first syntheses, because there is not only a single chemist responsible for making them, but a whole bunch of researchers that were working on the same p roject. It would also be interesting to look at the fact that the father of modern chemistry was a woman; she was a graduate student of Alfred Nobel and is credited for having two key aspects of chemistry: creating the equation for the chemical bond, and for creating the first chemical model, which would later be used to design various kinds of models in chemistry.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 Things to Include on Your Acting Resume

10 Things to Include on Your Acting Resume Shanika When it comes to preparing your acting resume, knowing what to include can be a challenge. However, there are several items that should always be included. Instead of only listing the parts youve played, include some of the following items to dazzle directors: Up-to-date Contact Information One of the most important parts of any resume is your contact information. How will recruiters and talent agents contact you if your information is not correct? Update your contact information whenever it changes. Include a working phone number and an email address. Make sure your email address sounds professional, and also be sure to note which contact method is best to reach you. Physical Attributes Since acting is as much about visual appearance as it is talent, include your physical description on your resume. Your height, hair and eye color, and weight should appear somewhere on your resume. It is best to include this information at the top of your resume. Like your contact information, your appearance information must be updated periodically to reflect any physical changes. Memberships If you belong to any acting organizations or unions, they should also be included on your acting resume. This shows that you are serious about your career and that you have a network that could possibly vouch for you if needed. And if you belong to an organization that a recruiter or agent is also a member of, you already have a connection that can help during your audition. Past Experience No matter what role or part you are auditioning for, you must include your past acting experience. You should indicate whether the parts were for theater productions, movie roles, or television appearances. If your acting history is small, include what you can and never lie on your resume. Education If you have little acting experience but have been studying to be an actor at a formal university, this section gives agents a point of reference. You should only include formal education and classes that relate directly to acting, as opposed to listing your education in full. Training Your acting resume should also include any training courses you have taken. This is different from formal education, as you may have studied another subject during college. Include the names of your trainers or studios, as well as what exactly was taught. Avoid being vague here include acting techniques in as much detail as possible. Also include training related to other fields, such as singing, playing musical instruments, or public speaking. Primary Acting Skills There are several skills involved with acting, including voice skills and combat skills. List the ones you are proficient in, as well as some detail about each. You can also include skills not related to acting, such as credentials that could come in handy. Again, dont lie about what skills you have on your resume. Know Your Type Many actors fear being typecast as their career progresses. But this can be a valuable way to advance your career if you are just starting out. Know which roles you are adept at playing. Instead of accepting any part you can, consider informing agents and recruiters about which roles you are the best fit for during auditions. Know Your Role Types When preparing your acting resume, you should include whether or not you can fill speaking or non-speaking roles. Indicate if you are best fit for leading roles, supporting roles, or voice-over parts. If youre a non-speaker, list if youre a body or stunt double or an extra. You can also list any other industry roles, such as print ads or commercials, all of which can be important. Your Headshot Most acting resumes can be printed on the back of a headshot and cut to size. Just as listing your physical description helps agents and directors find a good place for your appearance, your headshot gives them a picture they can really see. You should update your headshot every time your appearance changes. When you arrive at your audition you should look like your headshot does. Looking for a great headshot photographer? Here are some to check out in LA: LA Headshots and Reels, Kaizen Headshots, Headshots Only Photography NYC: Chris Macke Photography, Mark Ellison/NYC Photo Studio Toronto: Callback Headshots Preparing an acting resume might seem like a lot of work, but taking the time to do it right will build the foundation of a strong acting career. Good luck! Photo by nickgregan Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

The Mature Students Guide

The Mature Students Guide Going Back to Schools: Mature Students ChaptersWhy Go Back to School When You’re WorkingDifferent Types of Studies for Mature StudentsHow Much Does It Cost to Go Back to School?How Can You Choose What to Study?“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” - ConfuciusIn the UK, a mature student is any student who is over the age of 21 by the time they start their degree. You can apply to any university as a mature student. There are plenty of ways to go about it too, especially if you want to change careers.Whether you’re looking for work, working part-time or full time, here’s how you can go back to school as a mature student. TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tu tors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Go Back to School When You’re WorkingEvery year, more and more people decide to learn new skills and get new qualifications. You also need to get back to revising and studying, which might feel a bit weird at first. However, there are a lot of benefits to doing this. There are several reasons to go back to your studies.You can find a personal development course here. It may seem daunting at first, but anyone can go back into education if they want. (Source: Wokandapix)You might be bored with your job. “Boreout”, or “boredom burnout syndrome”, is becoming increasingly common in UK workplaces. Due to this situation, many people are deciding to go return their studies to gain new skills and change their career.With so many undergraduate degrees and postgraduate courses available, there's never been a better time to enjoy university life or some more education. Whether you go back to university, night classes, or online classes, it’s a good time to improve your IT skills, foreign language skills, or build your CV and find a new job.Some people might also want more direction in their life. Changing careers is sometimes the only option you have to feel better at work. This is why many people go back to school, get new A Levels, study a degree, or professional training for adults. Retraining or changing careers might be part of your plans for your family’s financial security.You just want to go back to school for fun.Are you interested in history, coding, or learning Italian?There are courses for adults where you can feed your passions and skills that could be useful during your professional life. Your chosen course might be something you've always wanted to do but never had the time for university or opted for a course with better employability. If you enjoy your studies, you’ll be more successful in them, even if you’ve been out of school for a while.Going back to your studies is also a great way to go on a break from work. This might breathe new life into your career. Perhaps you might be interested in a skills appraisal to help you think about your future.Different Types of Studies for Mature StudentsOnce you’ve decided to go back to school, you need to think about the type of courses you want to do and the admission requirements. This is known as “continuing education” and is generally used for all educa tion and training aimed at those who’ve already left school or otherwise finished their education. In other words, it refers to anyone who’s finished their studies, joined the workforce, and then decided to go back and study further. Mature students can study whatever they want! (Source: Free-Photos)Continuing education is quite present at university. Like education for those who are still in education and have never left, mature students can study an undergraduate degree, a postgraduate degree, and PhD, or even diplomas and school qualifications like GCSEs and A Levels. The latter is useful for catching up if you’re planning on going to university later on.There are also access courses for those that don't meet the prerequisites for certain undergraduate courses and most types of continuing education can be applied to in the same way as younger students, which is usually through UCAS.University isn’t the only way to go back to school or study further.  Those who want to go back to school or study more can also learn online. Thanks to the internet, there are plenty of online services that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.This is particularly true for MOOCs (massive open online courses). These online courses are often offered by big universities. This is your first step to lifelong learning. There are also other organisations offering distance learning.Be wary of certain private organisations as they may be an attractive option, they can also be more expensive than public organisations.Finally, think about what these qualifications and experience are worth. Your professional experience and qualifications may help you in your career. You may even be able to ask for more money.How Much Does It Cost to Go Back to School?Studying costs money. In addition to paying for the courses themselves, you also may need to take into account how much money you’ll lose by not working or by working less. In addition to the cost of education, you'll also need to factor in your losses if you decide to stop working. (Source: PublicDomainPictures)So how much does it cost to go back to school?The cost of lifelong learning can vary a lot. In some cases, a training course over a few days can cost as much as training throughout an entire year. You’ll need to think about all the costs involved with tuition but also what you’ll need to pay for in terms of materials.While tuition fees are the same for all undergraduates, regardless of their age, some UK universities have scholarships and bursaries available for those deciding to return to full or part-time study.In addition to all of that, you may also need to find a way to earn money during your course. While some may be relishing the opportunity to relive the student experience, other adult learners might have concerns such as childcare and a mortgage to pay.You might consider working part-time or doing night classes and there are also op tions for those wanting to go back to school.There’s also funding for mature students, for example. Mature students have the option to apply for student finance. This can be useful if you’re looking at ways to pay for your studies. University courses can be expensive and it feels even more expensive when you may have to give up some of your income to do it. You might be able to take a sabbatical from work and return to the same position once you’ve finished your studies.If you’re not working, financial support will be even more important so make sure you look at any financial support you’re entitled too.Find out more about being a mature student.How Can You Choose What to Study?Going back to school is a big opportunity. Whether it’s for changing careers, finding work, or getting ahead in your current career, going back to school and lifelong learning is a way to change how you work. But you will need to choose the right courses! If you're done with your current career, you can always opt for something more interesting and pursue a passion of yours. (Source: TiBine)Baking, engineering, accounting, IT, etc., no matter what you’re interested in, the first thing to do is think about your career.  Think about why you want to study more and what you plan to get out of it.If you want to change careers, research what you want to do. If you want to gain more experience, think about internships. You need to keep this in mind when putting together your applications.  Consider doing a skills appraisal to work out what you’re good at and what you can do with those skills. While this won’t make the decision for you, it will make things a little clearer.To choose a course, you might want to talk to former students. You might want to think about what they’re doing, what they’re working on, and how it helped their professional careers. You’ll have a better idea of what you can do with your qualifications.Addition ally, you might want to think about looking at the entry requirements, picking up a prospectus, or attending open days. An open day is an opportunity for the university to say “check out our courses and campus!”. You can see the students union and other student services.While each UK university costs more or less the same to attend, not every degree course is the same and neither are the lecturers. This could be your chance to see what it's all about.You might also want to talk about this with those close to you to hear what they think about your plans to study more. Make sure that they’re supportive of your choice to study and will help you make the right decision. Whether you’re attending classes or have opted for distance learning, you need support.Whatever you choose to do, it’s your decision at the end of the day. Think about what you want. This will help you stay motivated throughout your studies.

What are Waves

What are Waves Everything You Never Asked about the Science of Waves. ChaptersWhat are the Properties of Waves?Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves.The Science of Reflection and Refraction.What are Sound and Ultrasound?Without waves there would be nothing. No heat, no light, no sound. Not even any movement. Not a single thing.Because waves aren’t just some abstract scientific concept â€" or something that you only see on the surface of the ocean. They are literally everywhere at all times.Waves, quite simply, are disturbances or variations in a medium that allow the transfer of energy. Without waves, energy cannot do anything. And without energy, waves wouldn’t be able to create a disturbance or displacement â€" and so wouldn’t be at all.These things that we call waves, therefore, are a defining feature of our universe. And they help to explain a lot of the phenomena of physics â€" from light, which is a type of electromagnetic wave, to sound, which is one of many mechanical waves. But radio waves, x-rays, heat â€" not to mention ocean waves, the movement of a rope, and the vibration of a guitar string â€" are all the results of the same.So, don’t be one of those people that thinks waves are irrelevant to your life â€" or that science is ‘boring’. Because, without these things, we’d be nothing.  Here, instead, is a guide to the most important aspects of waves and their behaviour â€" from their physical properties to some of the technologies in which they are used.Get a physics and maths tutor s1 for your kids. Sea waves work on the same principles as sound.Electromagnetic waves are, on the other hand, self-propagating. These are able to travel through a vacuum because the medium that they are disturbing or displacing is not strictly matter. Their disturbances are actually to the electromagnetic field which they themselves create.For more, check out our article on the properties of waves. What is a wave? (image from edraw)Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves.We mentioned above the difference between transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Whilst the latter displaces its medium parallel to the direction of energy’s travel, in the former the displacement is perpendicular to this movement.This makes these things work in slightly different ways â€" and makes their terminology slightly different too.In transverse waves, we talk about peaks and troughs on a wave diagram â€" these being the moments of greatest displacement in the wave or furthest parts of the wave from its rest position. Through variations in the pressure between particles as the energy moves through them, they move outwards from the rest position and back in again.However, in longitudinal waves, all of the movement is parallel and the variations in pressure occur in the direction of the energy’s travel. Rather than peaks and troughs, then, we have compressions (areas of high pressure) and rarefactio ns (areas of low pressure).Examples of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves.It’s worth remembering some of the more ‘famous’ examples of transverse and longitudinal waves â€" as these help you to remember the differences between them.Transverse.So, what are examples of transverse waves? The vibrations on a guitar string are transverse waves, as are those that you might make as you wobble one end of a skipping rope.Light waves are also transverse â€" along with their associated waves like radio waves and all the waves of electromagnetism.Longitudinal.Longitudinal waves are those you might see if you were to stretch a slinky across a table and shunt one end of it. You’d be able to see the compressions and rarefactions in the coils of the slinky.Sound waves too are longitudinal, by the way â€" and they can travel through liquids, gases, and solids.Find out more in our article on transverse and longitudinal waves.The Science of Reflection and Refraction.We’ve discussed the nature and types of wave. However, let’s take a closer look at their behaviour.One of the most interesting aspects of waves is what happens when they encounter different media on their travels. What happens to an airborne wave when it hits a liquid? Or what happens when it hits a solid? Or even, what happens if a wave in a solid hits a different solid of a different density?There are actually plenty of options for waves in this situation. And the actual answer brings in lots and lots of different variables â€" from the wave’s wavelength and amplitude to the nature of the interface between the two media, from the wave’s angle of incidence to the chemical makeup of the different media.What Happens when a Wave Meets an Interface?An interface is one of the most important moments in a wave’s busy little life. Because here it has a number of options - of which we'll discuss here only one.It can be reflected. In reflection, the wave bounces off the interface and returns into the medium f rom which it came. This is due to the wave having a different frequency to the vibration of the electrons on the surface of the new medium.However, this can either result in specular reflection or diffuse reflection. In the former, you would get a mirror-like effect, as the waves all reflect in the same direction. If the reflection is diffuse, however, you rather get a situation like looking at a wall. You don’t see a conventional reflection of an image, yet the light has nonetheless bounced off it.Find out more about reflection in our article on reflection and refraction. What is reflection all about then?What are Sound and Ultrasound?We hear sounds all the time all around us. Pour a glass of water and there is sound or take a step and there is sound again.Sound is also something that is produced by waves. Or, better, it is a type of wave that we recognise to be sound.What we call sound is a whole series of vibrations that are the result of energy that is propagating through material. Sound waves are longitudinal waves that propagate from an original disturbance â€" and they come in all different frequencies, wavelengths, and amplitudes that are responsible for their pitch, volume, and tone.The greater the amplitude the louder the sound â€" whilst the higher the frequency the higher the pitch.What is the Difference between Sound Waves and Ultrasound?Yet, there are frequencies of sound that we cannot hear at all. Those types of waves we call ultrasound â€" which is actually the vast majority of sound waves.Dogs can hear some of the frequencies we call ultrasound â€" but this only points to the fact that there is no real difference between the two.Find out more about ultrasound and sound in our article.

Spanish Lessons Leeds

Spanish Lessons Leeds Mapping Spanish Classes in Leeds ChaptersFinding Spanish Lessons in LeedsWhat to Look for When Arranging for Spanish ClassesLearn Spanish with a Spanish TutorRain and drizzle fall from a gunmetal sky. It’s cold and wet in Leeds this time of year; some wonder if the sun will ever shine again.If we told you the sun is shining in Madrid right now, would you pack your bags with a swiftness? After all, there are 14 different ways to get to Spain from Leeds; some of them take only a few hours!Eagerly you search the attic; where did you put those suitcases?Wait; not so fast! How will you communicate once you get there?Granted, English is the lingua franca of these modern times but that doesn’t mean that everyone understands even a modicum of English.No, it would be much better if you learned a bit of Spanish before setting out.Besides, learning a second language has proven health and cognitive benefits, so why wouldn’t you study the language of Cervantes?And then, by the time you return home from your vacaciones en e l sol â€" holiday in the sun, you may have already decided to continue your Spanish language studies.You so enjoy the mellifluous tones of spoken Spanish...Say no more!Superprof is on task to find you the very best Spanish courses in and around Leeds, suitable for A-Level candidates and younger, adventurers looking for new horizons to explore or desperados craving type of sunshine that can only be found near the equator.For the wealth of Spanish courses available to Loiners, one might say nothing could be easier than finding Spanish classes!In fact, if you are enrolled at the University of Leeds, you may already be working toward fluency through their Spanish language program. Take note, A-Level candidates: this may be the course for you!What if you’re not headed to university or there already but still want to learn how to speak Spanish?Leeds City College would be the place for you. There, you could find a range of lessons, from beginner Spanish to intermediate level lessons.What ’s so great about these courses is that they intertwine language and culture so that you get a deeper understanding of the language, its roots and the people who speak Spanish.The downside is that they are not necessarily suitable for children younger than, say 14 years old.If you are planning for your entire family to study Spanish together, we may have to direct you elsewhere...We’ll discuss those options in our next segment.Suppose you are in a real hurry to grasp the fundamentals of Spanish vocabulary and grammar ahead of your holiday. You could sign up for intensive language training with Cactus.Established 20 years ago in the UK, the Cactus learning network has expanded to include language tutors and training schools all over the world!You would think that such a facility would have a hefty price list but you might be surprised to know that Spanish courses are their lowest-priced!So reputable is Cactus that their client list reads like a Who’s Who of the business world: Tripadvisor, Siemens, Eurostar... You?They don’t just teach Business Spanish or Medical Spanish for people going abroad for work, either. Indeed, Cactus does private as well as corporate language training, either one to one or in small groups.See? That’s the perfect solution for your family to learn together!Are you curious about how families learn Spanish in Birmingham?We would be remiss if we failed to mention you could learn Spanish at the Instituto Cervantes.The Cervantes Institute is dedicated to teaching the languages of Spain as well as the diffusion of Spanish culture in different Spanish speaking countries.Languages of Spain? Plural?  That is a salient point, Dear Learner.Not only is there more than one type of Spanish spoken in Spain and all of its outposts, such as Majorca, but the Spanish spoken in Chile is vastly different than what you would hear in Argentina or Mexico.We’ll discuss that in our next segment; for now, let us talk about the Spanish courses on offer at this wonderful Institut.Their courses are set up to mirror the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, with A1 representing absolute beginners, B2 being high-intermediate and C1 being fluent.Their language classes, taught by native speakers, are meant to be progressive; as you move from basic Spanish to the next level, you would build your vocabulary and grammar foundation that will support any future learning.The best part about learning Spanish at Instituto Cervantes is that your learning will be well-rounded.Instead of following a language learning guidebook â€" first greetings, then directions and then colours and numbers and so on, you will be immersed into the very culture of Spain, both through your curriculum and participation in cultural activities the institute regularly hosts.They even offer preparation for Spanish language exams and online tutoring!  There’s that word again... tutoring: we’re getting there; promise!What if you need Spanish classes i n Manchester?If you intend to explore the works of Gaudi in Barcelona, you'd better learn to speak Catalan! Source: Wikipedia Credit: BaikonourWhat to Look for When Arranging for Spanish ClassesTo our knowledge, Instituto Cervantes is the only language training school in the UK that specifies which type of Spanish they teach.As we mentioned before, this is a very important point to consider when arranging Spanish lessons.If you were learning Spanish to travel or relocate to Spain, the language you learn should depend on the region you intend to frequent.Whether you are a potential holidaymaker or a prospective international student in any of Spain’s fabulous universities, at some point you will surely have a conversation with native speakers.Castilian Spanish is not the same as Catalan and both of these are wholly different languages than Mexican or the Spanish they speak in anywhere in South America â€" should any of those countries be your desired destination.For this reason, yo u should make sure your Spanish teacher or tutor will instruct you on the language that will suit your goals.Spanish teachers in London are especially mindful of which type of Spanish they teach...Learn Spanish with a Spanish TutorFinally, we get to what we’ve been alluding to all along: engaging a private tutor to teach you Spanish!There are many advantages to working with a tutor; the main one being is that your Spanish learning is tailored specifically to your language learning needs.Do you wish for more emphasis on conversational Spanish or do you think equal time should be spent on reading and writing? Whatever your learning goals are, a home tutor will work hard to help you reach them.That contrasts with classroom learning which tends to be more of a set curriculum; where your learning is guided by the professional leading the class.A further benefit is that tutors often work with small groups of learners, so if you and your family or you and a group of friends wish to learn together, your tutor would happily oblige!You should, of course, discuss such matters in your initial consultation. It wouldn’t do to arrange for private lessons and then show up for class with a group of people!Obviously, when we think ‘tutor’, the first answer is Superprof.Leeds is home to more than 45 Superprof tutors, any of which would work with you in your home, their home or online.Mostly, they are native speakers of Spanish, with a few bilingual Spanish speakers thrown in.Ana has taught at private academies and secondary schools; she also teaches adults and young childrenMadeleine is a language virtuoso whose focus is teaching conversational Spanish; she has earned high praise as a Spanish teacher!Franco-Antonio is doing his postgrad work at the University of Leeds. He has a wealth of experience tutoring his native Spanish to school-aged children and adultsEsther teaches Spanish to students as young as three; she also works with students preparing for exams and adults .All of these tutors and others have a proven track record of teaching success and the credentials to affirm their ability to teach Spanish.Perhaps more enticingly, the average rate for a Superprof Spanish tutor in Leeds is £18 per hour and they all offer their first hour of lessons at no cost!How much does a Spanish tutor in Glasgow or Edinburgh charge?Exploring wildlife in Costa Rica would call for a different Spanish altogether! Source: Pixabay Credit: Fintan O'BrienFind out the best places to take Spanish lessons in Belfast and Cardiff here.One couldn’t say the same for Spanish tutors on the Italki platform... although to be fair, Italki tutors post a discounted rate for their introductory sessions.Italki is a tutoring marketplace where you first create your learning profile, after which you would peruse tutor profiles to select a possible match.Through their built-in scheduling utility, you would then select your meeting time and, logging in to Skype, your sessions begin!Eve rything happens online; learning as well as payment. No chance of an Italki tutor materialising on your doorstep.The same holds true with Live Lingua, whose tutors do permit no charge for their first lesson.However, unlike Italki, Live Lingua tutors do not set their own rates, so you have a more even price range to budget for.Furthermore, if you pay in advance for a block of lessons, you will be treated to a discounted per-lesson rate!Are you feeling a sunny Spanish getaway coming on?Lessons first! Your Spanish teacher will be delighted to help you make the most of your holiday by making sure you learn Spanish quickly and well.But s/he probably won’t help you pack.